Friday, November 19, 2010
Finding a 1682 Connection To Today's New Cousin
The exciting part of doing genealogy of your family is finding a cousin that has a comnmon ancestor with you from way back in 1682. I was contacted by Caroly Higgins because I had my tree in JewishGen where my tree has not only Jewish ancestors but Gentile as well.
My mother married my Jewish father and converted. On her side of the tree, I have traced the family back to an Abigail Case who had married Jonah Westover, the person I was just contacted about. Abigail was the daughter-in-law of Hannah Westover nee Griswald and was born in May 4, 1682 in Simsbury, Connecticut. Abigail is my 7th great grandaunt.
As it turns out, Jonah Westover is her grandmother's 6th grandfather.
My mother, Mildred Elizabeth Goldfoot nee Robinson's father is the family involved. His father was Abiathar Smith Robinson, and his mother was Asinath Durkee and his father was a Tuller.
I traced the Tullers that I have, and that is a lot, to turn up Jonah Westover and his son, who had married Abigail Case. I then saw that I had a John Tuller who had married Elizabeth Case. Elizabeth was the sister of Abigail Case.
I see that it's important to get information on the whole family if you want to find connections. I've just gone back 328 years or about 13 generations and have found a connection.
Labels: Case, Robinson, Tuller, Westover
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Mayflower and Ships Following
The Mayflower came to Plymouth Rock in 1620. There was another ship the very next year in June 1621. It was the Fortune which came over in November 1621 with 35 people. Then in July of 1623 cme the Anne and Little James. Another larger group of ships came in 1630. A Captain Wolcott came over with 20 proprietors and many indentured servants. They started a plantation near the SW corner of Boston Harbor called "Mount Wollaston" which was later called QUINCY.'' Plimoth Plantation was settled in 1627 and William Bradford was the governor for many years. He called those who came over on the Mayflower with him "pilgrims" because he hoped they would had journeyed to a new kind of Holy Land where they would have freedom of worship. More than half died during the winter of 1620, after which nine more ships arrived from England with additional settlers.
Our ancestors of our grandfather, Frank Hugh Robinson, said they came over on the ship right after the Mayflower. I'm not sure if that was a Robinson, or possibly could have been someone on his mother's side, which could have been a Tuller or a Durkee. At any rate, they were early arrivals.
Our ancestors were probably Pilgrims that came over after the Mayflower. They were separatists from the Church of England. The 30 years after the Mayflower saw about 20,000 English immigrants arrive in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and because of the strictness there, our ancestors moved into what was to become New Hampshire and Connecticut. The journey on the terribly overcrowed ship took over 6 to 12 weeks and often ran out of food even though they were promised food. It cost about 30 pounts ($1,000) for a family of 8 with a ton of freight to come over.
The majority of people living in England in the 1620's were very poor. The monarch, Queen Elizabeth I and James I, wanted to maintain the Church of England as the only permissible religion. Anyone suspected of religious deviance was imprisoned, threatened, fined, sometimes tortured and even hanged. Therefore, the ones who came over sought to escape religious persecution and wanted to worship in the manner they believed to be the "proper Christian way." Children were put to work by the time they were age 6 or 7. They were expected to do as they're told. Complete and unquestioning obedience was the rule. Sunday was a day of rest and religion. Church services began at 8 in the morning and lasted until noon. Services resumed around 2 p.m. and continued until 5 p.m. or 6p.m.
They could have come over in 1630 as one of 700 people who left from Bristol Bay as that is so close to Wales. Our ancestor could have been one of the West Country folks. The Puritans of South Wales were in a weaving center. It was the closest association to the English plains or coastal plains. It was developed by Independents and Baptists. These people were especially selected for persecution in S.W. Wales. So they could also have come here because of religious persecution.Wolcott began selling off servants to Virginia. Thomas Morton took over and called it MERRY MOUNT. He freed the servants and set up a joint trading enterprise.
Ten years later, a fleet of eleven ships came over with the flagship Arbella from Southampton. This was now the year 1630. The people went to Boston, Charleston, Waterdown, Roxburg, New Town (Cambridge), Mystic, and Dorchester. Other ships mentioned in the fleet were the Talbat, Ambrose, and Jewel. They left England from Bristol and Plymath (by Wales), and Southampton.
Wolcott began selling off servants to Virginia. Thomas Morton took over and called it MERRY MOUNT. He freed the servants and set up a joint trading enterprise.
Thirty years after the Mayflower arrived, another ship landed at the Mass. Bay Colony. This was in 1650. The ship took from 6 to 12 weeks to get here and ran out of food. They settled in Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Connecticut.
Labels: ancestors, Life in England 1620, Mayflower
Edward Robinson of Newport, R.I. 1655
There was an Edward Robinson of Newport, Rhode Island in 1655. Three whole towns from Massachusetts had moved into Connecticut. They migrated from Salem and Boston to get away from the spiritual and political tyranny. In 1643, three towns were laid out in Rhode Island; New Port, Warwick, and Portsmouth.
Our oral history is that our ancestor came over not on the Mayflower but a ship after that. Could this be an ancestor, or was ours a part of this tyranny in mind and spirit. It's interesting to see that cities developed around political and religious affilliations.
Labels: Edward Robinson, Rhode Island
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Cyrus B Robinson-Gggrandfather?
I'm looking for my great great grandfather, father of Abiathar Smith Robinson. Here's a possibility.
rus B. Robinson was born November 4, 1809 in Royalton, Vermont. This is the town that Julia Ann Tuller came from. She had married Abiathar. They actually married a few miles away in Tunbridge.
Cyrus had married Thankful Preston. She was born October 28, 1811 in Strafford, Orange, VT.
They married on January 1831 in Vermont.
In the record of 1840, I see they had a boy that could have been born in 1829, the year Abiathar was born. He remains unknown. Perhaps he even died. His birth doesn't jive with the parents's wedding, but sometimes that happens.
Cyrus died February 24, 1864 in Sharon, Windsor, VT. Thankful died after 1850.
Cyrus was the son of Amos Jr, born in Lebanon, CT. He had moved to Decatur, Macon, Illinois. I've been in contact with some of his descendants, so it would be nice to be connected to this tree. The coincidental thing is that Abiathar had also moved to Wenona, Illinois after the Civil War around 1865.