Sunday, January 10, 2010


Chase Robinson 1791 from Rick A. Robinson

Rick Robinson's dna matches our Robinson line pretty much.
He offers Chase Robinson b: 1791 who married Roena Abell b: 1801 and d: 1879. I believe Chase's father was John Robinson. Chase and Roena were born in the USA, most likely New Hampshire. They were 7th Day Adventists. This is most interesting as our oral history is that my grandfather ran away from home because his father, Abiathar Smith, didn't allow any work on the Sabbath, and my grandfather, Frank Hugh, was worried about his favorite horse who was in the pasture with a mean bull. Evidently the horse was gored and my grandfather ran away from home, never to return again. In thinking about it, his father could have been 7th Day Adventist, also, which could connect these two Robinson families. I found this family on the 1851 St. Bernard de Lacolle Census in Quebec, Canada living in a log house like the others on the census sheet.

They had 14 children who were born in Lacolle, Quebec. This is interesting as our Abiathar Smith Robinson and wife Julia Ann Tuller went to Canada, and probably Quebec during the Civil War and removed to Wenona, Illinois after it was all over.

The children were John b: 1831 in Lacolle, Quebec d: 1889 in Pennsylvania, Mary b: 1834, Hiram b: 1837, Roena b: 1838, Richard Hoyth b: 17 Sep 1840 d: 5 Jul 1922, Melissa b: 4 Jul 1832, Wealthy June b: 1842, Lydia Louisa b: 14 Aug 1844 d: 1 Jan 1924 in Lachine, Quebec, Orange b: 4 Sep 1843 d: 1911 East Branch, Penn, Caroline Electra , Joseph b: 1835 m: Elizabeth Bayhale, Sarah A b: 1864 and Charles P.

Go to Rick's "John and Chase Robinson Genealogy at It's a great source including music with your research.

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I was raised in that log house ! Chase Robinson's son Richard sold the house and land and from hand to hand they were bought by my father in 1946.
The house was actually 3 houses on the same premices.
The house origin was a big mystery when i was young
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